Welcome to the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS)

The Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) has the lead responsibility at NCI for supporting research in cancer surveillance, epidemiology, health services, behavioral science, and cancer survivorship. The multifaceted science funded and conducted by DCCPS also plays a central role on issues such as obesity, tobacco control, healthcare delivery, statistical methods, and the translation of research into practice.

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NIH Research Matters

Prevention and screening drive drop in cancer deaths.


NCI Cancer Currents Blog

Delivering palliative care by telehealth meets the needs of people with cancer.


NHGRI Press Release

NIH awards $27M to establish new network of genomics-enabled learning health systems.


NCI Media Advisory

New cancer diagnoses did not rebound as expected following pandemic.


NCI Cancer Currents Blog

Some women avoid breast cancer screening after false-positive mammogram results.


NCI Cancer Currents Blog

Program connects adolescents and young adults to quality cancer care.


In 1997, NCI established DCCPS to enhance its ability to alleviate the burden of cancer through cancer control research. This research generates basic knowledge about how to monitor and change individual and collective behavior, and to ensure that knowledge is translated into practice rapidly, effectively, and efficiently.

Learn More About DCCPS and Cancer Control